'One Anothering, Part 2: Accepting Relationships' by Mal Calladine - October 25 2020
What can we do to improve the quality of difficult relationships? Can we get better at accepting other people? In this talk, Mal Calladine looks at more of the Bible’s instructions on how to treat one another. As simple and familiar as they might sound, putting them into practice can be a real challenge, but there are huge benefits for us, our neighbours and our culture.
Discussion notes
This talk is a follow-up to part 1, with the first four “one another” instructions here.
5. Forgive one another just as in Christ, God forgave you (Ephesians 4: 32)
Who are you reminded of that needs your forgiveness ‘for you’? (Matt 6:14-15)
Who are you reminded of that needs your forgiveness ‘for them’? (John 20: 23)
What responses could you make to God & those people? (in prayer & practically?)
6. Accept one another, just as Christ accepted you (Romans 15:7)
Who are you reminded of that really needs to hear your acceptance?
What ways could you most communicate that acceptance? What does that interaction look like?
7. Bear with one another in love (Ephesians 4:2)
Who do you think of that you need to be humble, gentle & patient towards?
In what ways could you make ‘allowance for faults’ in those you are reminded of?
8. Be devoted to one another (Romans 12:10)
Who are you reminded of to show this level of commitment?
What are you called to do?
9. Honour one another above yourselves (Romans 12: 10)
Who would you like to delight in honouring?
Who do you think you are called to practice playing 2nd fiddle to? Anywhere you think this would be a tough spiritual discipline, but would be good for you?
What specific responses do you think you are called to with those you have been reminded of?
And finally…
Was the Holy Spirit showing you anything else particularly during the talk?
What’s your biggest take-away for you? Tell someone about it today!