'One Anothering, Part 3: Encouraging Relationships' by Mal Calladine - November 15 2020
We could all use some encouragement right now, so how can we get better at encouraging each other? In this talk, Mal Calladine looks at what the Bible says about this and lots of examples of people who are good at encouraging. There are lots of practical ideas for building people up, comforting and serving people, and sharing difficult things too.
Discussion notes
You can find the previous sets of questions 1 to 4 on connecting relationships here, and 5 to 9 on accepting relationships here.
10. Encourage one another daily (Hebrews 3:13)
What ideas could you implement for a daily encouragement in your home? Chalkboard / text etc?
Who could you ‘un-spiritually’ prophecy over – by giving them ‘a thanks’ about them & saying a hope you believe for them (which you think is aligned to God’s heart for them)?
Where could you turn your asking prayers for others into believing, encouraging declarations to them?
11. Build up one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11 / Ephesian 4:16)
Who are you reminded of that needs to hear your compliments of them? (What are you reminded of who or how they are? Or what they've done?)
Who are you reminded of that needs to hear you believe in them?
What could you do to most communicate that belief? What does that interaction look like?
12. Speak to one another with songs, giving thanks (Ephesians 4:19-20)
What could you do to give thanks more? For instance at your meal times?
Who do you think of that you most want to give thanks for right now? How could you tell them?
13. Comfort one another (1 Thessalonians 4:18)
Who are you reminded of that is mourning or low at the moment?
What could you do to comfort them?
14. Serve one another (Galatians 5:13)
Who are you reminded of that doesn’t have the spotlight on them much, but blossoms when it is?
What specific responses do you think you are called to with those you have been reminded of, where it is good that the spotlight is not on you?
15. Carry one another’s burdens (Galations 6:2)
Whose vision do you think you are supposed to help carry at the moment? (Galatians 6:5) (+v2!)
Who has a burden you need to help them take it to the cross? (1 Peter 5:7)
16. Share with one another (Hebrews 13: 16)
Who do you want to share Fun & Food with? Who could you plan to invite over once Lockdown is done? (Romans 12:13)
What preparations could you make for a belated Thanksgiving / Advent / or ‘no-excuse needed’ celebration?
What questions would help you get more vulnerable with those you do life with? In what setting?
Who is in need that you are reminded of? What practical ways could you share with them to help with that need?
If you want to see BBC Coast’s Neil Oliver experience ‘Hygge’ in Denmark, see here.
And finally…
Was the Holy Spirit showing you anything else particularly during the talk?
What is your biggest take-away? Tell someone about it today!