This letter from Paul to the Corinthian church follows up a very difficult first letter which seemed to have caused some pain as well as a need to reflect. We only get to read Paul’s side of the conversation, but we can see his determination to build relationships, keep pointing people to God and encourage generosity even in difficult times.
Our podcast on 2 Corinthians
Our notes on 2 corinthians
Written in 2020
Talks on 2 Corinthians
What does God want to do in the world, and what part do we have in this? Caleb Bourne shares about his sense of purpose, calling and worth in partnering with God in a role described in the Bible as an “ambassador”. But what does that mean for each of us? Could it be that we are each commissioned but not given the whole picture of what God is doing with us, only a part?
How is God's work in us life changing when we are under pressure? Susie Aldridge from Dreaming the Impossible looks at how Paul remembered that we don't have to deny our difficulties or fragility but can maintain our sense of value and resilience because of what God has placed in us. This gives us power in present weakness and hope for the future. If we're focusing on temporary things instead, what difference would it make to fix our eyes on eternal stuff, and how can we do that in practice?
Does anyone like being misunderstood? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at a misunderstood Christian leader who wrote letters which are easy for us to misunderstand if we take them out of context. By looking at first century Corinth and what was happening there, we can get a better idea of why there were arguments and difficulties then, and things which are hard to grasp now. Can God help us find the wisdom which lasts and can help us today?