At Severn Vineyard, we love to pray! And we would love prayer to become a natural response to every situation in which we find ourselves, to change us as we speak with and listen to our Heavenly Father.
We love to pray because we believe that God, our Father, hears us and cares for the things on our hearts. If you would like prayer for anything, then please email We can ask our Prayer Team to be praying for you and your situation, in complete confidence.
Prayer is also a way of us all pulling together in the same direction, seeing breakthrough in the lives of our friends, our neighbours, in our places of work and right across our our city. In prayer we get to partner with Jesus in advancing His kingdom and ‘making all things new’. So, as well as offering personal prayer support, we have times of praying together and with purpose. Sign up to our weekly newsletter for more details.
Prayer Focus, November 2023 - Casa de Esperanza
To get daily prayer updates sent by, click the link in the church newsletter if you already get this. If you don’t, click here to tell us which emails to send you.
You can also read these prayer updates when they’re published here.
Immanuel Prayer
Immanuel means “God with us” and this promise is the foundation for the whole ministry of Immanuel Prayer. The primary objective and the most important priority of Immanuel Prayer is intimacy with God.
To find out more about this, visit our page dedicated to Immanuel Prayer.
Prayer cards
We've got three sets of prayer cards that you can use in your prayer times, created by Vineyard Worship. They are brilliant and simple, guiding you through structured prayers or reflection time to enable you to go deeper. They are:
Lectio Divina, Centering Prayer, The Examen
If you’d like to hear The Examen being modelled, Becky Evans’ talk on Worship would be a good place to start. Listen towards the end of the talk and she helpfully demonstrates The Examen during the last 5 minutes, taking and timing 1 minute for each of the different section. It’s a total prayer time of 5 minutes and could be easily done last thing at night in more depth or several times throughout the day.
If you would like a set sent to you, email and we can arrange to get some out to you in the post!
“Prayer for me is about staying connected to Jesus, in whatever form that may take”