These groups are a vital part of our life as a church community, enabling us to share life and support one another while looking for ways to serve our neighbourhoods together.
There is a variety of group types, reflecting the different stages of life, priorities and needs of people at Severn.
How to sign up
You can check out all of the groups available this term and sign up for the one that suits you best below. Our Community Groups overseer, Claire Lynch, will then get in touch and put you in contact with the group leaders.
If you’re looking for an Open House group, you may want to consider joining a group that is geographically close to where you live in order to make it easier to connect with others who live in the neighbourhood.
As well as the groups listed below, we have a growing number of triplets meeting weekly or fortnightly. These are even smaller groups that enable people to benefit from a regular and structured conversation about what is going on in their lives and what God is doing. Claire Lynch is happy to talk to anyone who is interested in starting a new triplet, and we have a simple guide to help you get the most out of your times together (available here).
“As a newcomer to Bristol, my community group has been key to my sense of community and belonging at Severn”
Open House - After church (Brislington)
Monthly every third Sunday, 12pm
Hosted by Megan and Matt Watson.
"We want to create a space after church for people to gather together, get to know each other better and dig a little deeper into that week's teaching. Around a bring and share meal, we'll try and do Sabbath together, resting and re-energising for the week ahead. All are welcome!"
Open House - Ashton
Weekly on Tuesdays in termtime, 6-9pm including dinner
Hosted by Dan & Karen Green.
"We enjoy cooking and eating together, connecting regularly to encourage each other, and learning together more about what it means to follow Jesus. We also love getting out into nature, so will include some outdoors fun too!"
Open House - Bedminster
Weekly on Thursdays, 8pm, Bedminster
Hosted by Andrew, Laura & Joanna.
"We meet together on a weekly basis in person in one another's homes across south Bristol. We spend time worshipping, praying for one another, sharing life, pudding, and drinks."
Open House - Longwell Green
Weekly on Wednesdays, 7.30pm, Longwell Green
Hosted by Nigel & Helen Gazzard.
Open House - Westbury on Trym
Fortnightly on Thursdays, 8pm, Westbury on Trym
Hosted by Rachael & Gordon Matthews and Rachel & Alan Davis.
“All welcome as we meet over coffee and cake to better understand our faith in the context of the world in which we live. We also seek to welcome anyone who is enquiring about the Christian faith giving time and space to discover more about the life of Jesus.”
Open House for Women
Fortnightly on Mondays, 7.45pm, Brislington
Hosted by Anna and Miche.
A fortnightly Open House for women - anyone welcome, plenty of chatting time, a 'thought for the evening' and prayer for one another.
Parents and Tots Group
Weekly on Tuesdays, 10am
Hosted by Lis Lung.
Informal and fun get-togethers for parents and young children, held at various locations across the city. Everyone welcome!
Students & Young Adults Collective
Weekly on Wednesday evenings, alternating between St Pauls + other venues
Hosted by Caleb Bourne, Shelley Neal and David Jennings.
This is where we gather midweek to worship, eat, pray and connect as we seek to live in and out the way of Jesus together, transforming ourselves and our city.
Deep Chat
Fortnightly on Tuesdays from January 21st, 7.45pm, St Pauls
This group is for people who love discussing and wrestling with faith and theology and find themselves in more of an open space with this, perhaps having been a follower of Jesus for a while.
This term we’ll be discussing the book/audiobook “Jesus and the Powers” by N.T. Wright and Michael F. Bird.
We’ve previously looked at books like 'A More Christlike God' (Bradley Jersak), ‘Falling Upward’ (Richard Rohr), ‘Misreading Scripture With Western Eyes’ (Brandon O’Brien and Randy Richards) and ‘The Lost World of Genesis One’ (John H. Walton).
Sign up here and we’ll get in touch with all the current details.
“Being in a community group, where everyone tries their best to come every week is brilliant because I love getting to know people and then having the continuity of that meaningful relationship because we see each other week in, week out. Everyone in our group is so different and that’s brilliant because we’ve really come to enjoy those differences and enjoy spending time together chatting, cooking, eating, cleaning up, drinking tea, singing, praying and studying the Bible together. It can be a real commitment to give up an evening a week but the friendships and the time with Jesus are so worth it!”