This is the story of a prophet who was God’s lone faithful voice in a time of crisis for Judah. Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet because his emotional expressions reflected God’s profound regret at what had gone wrong with his people, and Jeremiah was entrusted and empowered to deliver bad news to them about the fate of their nation. His message would not be popular or well received.
However, God also gave people hope, opportunities to change and good news that even though exile from the promised land was imminent, restoration would eventually follow. Not only that, but Jeremiah was given glimpses of the salvation God would offer to bring all nations back to himself.
Our podcast on Jeremiah
Our notes on Jeremiah
Written in 2020
Talks about Jeremiah’s prophecy
If you were expecting a big inheritance, how would it affect the way you live today? Jack Saunders looks at the hope promised to Israel through the prophet Jeremiah and asks what hope we might carry through our faith in Jesus now. People following Jesus who have expected movements of renewal typically pray and invest in making disciples, especially looking to equip young people. What can we learn from this that will help us to play our parts in God’s bigger plans for now and the future?