This book tells the story of God’s chosen people, Israel, moving into the land God promised for them. It shows God at work in powerful ways, yet people struggle both with forces opposed to God and with their own faithfulness in relationship with God.
So this book does not describe the completion of people’s reconciliation with God, but a milestone on a continuing journey. By the end of the book, it is clear that there is still much to do, and that people are too optimistic about their ability to be faithful, but God has clearly shown his desire and ability to move the earth to bring people back to him.
Our podcasts on this book
Our notes on this book
Written in 2020
Talks about this book
Can we imagine waiting for a lifetime to fulfil our purpose? Jack Saunders looks at the story of Joshua and considers his decades-long wait for God to use him to lead his people into the land God promised them. The process of moving into this land probably seems to us like a strange and challenging one, but to Joshua it was a matter of obedience to God and trusting him to sort out the rest. How do we feel about that, and what could happen if we trust God more?
How would you like to be remembered? Joanna Moss looks at the story of a woman most commonly called “Rahab the prostitute” in history books, and why her recognition of God and practical response shaped a nation in remarkable ways. We might apply labels to ourselves and each other, but what God does with us and who he says we are could radically redefine us. Who does God say you are?
What difference could we make to the world if we see ourselves the way God sees us? This talk looks at one of Jesus' ancestors and their unusual path from belief to action.