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2 Kings 8-10

Some leaders are incredible to watch but impossible to follow

Every day we're reading or listening to part of the Bible together and sharing thoughts with you. Today it’s Bern Leckie:

What did I like about today’s passage?

I’ve tried to tell people the story of Jehu, and I’ve no-one I’ve told who hasn’t read it for themselves believes me that it’s in the Bible. It’s just… incredible.

Whatever hope we might have built up yesterday that God’s power might be shown through a pure, healing, restorative lovefest, we have to put that to the side today. God does work through all sorts of people who are not as close to his heart as Elisha. Some of the leaders he works through are pretty hopeless.

The first clue to this might have been God’s instructions on anointing him – do it quick, then run! God was not pouring out a healing bath, he was lighting a firework soaked in petrol.

The next is how people knew Jehu was coming from miles off because they recognised his mad driving! He had built a reputation long before he sniped his way to the top and callously crashed through Jezebel’s best defences - her hair and makeup.

Then the story carries on like an action/horror movie, complete with double deals and deceptions, heads in baskets, great lines like “’Take them alive!’… So they took them alive and slaughtered them…” and a crushing final defeat for the servants of Baal whose temple got turned into a toilet. “You have done well,” said God…??!!!

What did it show me about Father God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit?

God sometimes works in breathtaking ways. He also seems to love a good story, and knows that we will remember an incredible story like the time he gave Jehu licence to kick ass.

Does that mean that God wants anyone else to be like Jehu? I hope not. I don’t think we could find anyone else like Jehu even if we wanted to. And it’s clear that Jehu’s heart was more in the fireworks than the faithfulness. He let Jehu’s corrupt rule continue over a shrinking kingdom, attacked from all sides. Perhaps God can work through anyone, but his character can only be seen through people who love him and their neighbours and strive for peace, something Jehu seemed not to understand at all.

What am I going to do differently as a result?

I’m struck by a modern comparison with leaders who make a great show about strength, believing that overwhelming force makes them strong, but lead people to ruin when they fail to grasp the power of love, peace, humility, repentance, learning and true faith in God.

I want to get better at living that life myself as well as encouraging others to do the same, including leaders. After all, don’t we want leaders we want to follow, not just watch?

Who am I going to share this with?

People I know who want better leaders in politics, including in our school community.

Earlier Event: 11 June
2 Kings 4-7
Later Event: 13 June
1 Corinthians 14-16