
We might feel a bit scattered this year, but our Easter activities provide lots of ways to get together within the rules which apply to public gatherings at the end of March and beginning of April.

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Friday 2 April: We offer a choice of ways to engage your senses and exercise your body and mind around the theme of Jesus' final hours before crucifixion. You can do these on your own or outside with small groups as permitted by current guidelines (maximum 6 people or 2 households.)

You can try:

  • A text- and audio-guided meditation including the Lord's Supper suitable for doing on your own or in small groups as permitted (on Zoom or outside). Find the script and audio here, or search “Severn Vineyard” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or any other podcast provider.

  • A video-guided Lectio Divina ('divine reading') - a contemplative way to read the Bible, connect and listen to God speaking. No experience necessary - just bring yourself and your Bible. Find the video and written instructions here. Also available as audio on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and other podcast providers.

  • A fireside social opportunity - we suggest you may invite one other household to join you in the garden, around a fire, for food & reflection. The idea is to put ourselves around a fire - brazier - as Peter was before the cock crowed, at dusk, imagining ourselves into the story, and the emotions of that moment.  Optional extra activities include preparing sticks for cooking bread on the fire (for sausages to go in) or toasting marshmallows to reinforce the sweetness of the 2nd part of the reflection. Read a guide for activities and reflections here.

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On Sunday 4 April, we'll gather everyone online for a special all-age Easter service from 10am. Find us as usual on Facebook Live or watch later any time here.

This will include a celebration of the Lord’s Supper, so get bread and juice ready if you would like to take part at home.


How have we been preparing for Easter with prayer? Find out here.