LENT 2025 at Severn Vineyard
Getting ready for Easter, spending time with Jesus
Easter is the church’s celebration of Jesus defeating death after offering his life, dying on a cross just before a special Jewish Sabbath, and rising again shortly afterwards.
To us, and billions of other believers, this means a lot - maybe more every year we see the effects of Jesus’ work in our lives and in people around us.
God’s love can fill us, changing us, our views, our relationships and our society. As we follow Jesus, giving and lovingly sacrificing ourselves, we can find that hopelessness, mistrust, disease, toxic stress and dead relationships turn into hope, fresh faith, and all kinds of renewed health and life. It’s amazing, and we are still learning how it all works.
Before Jesus started his life-changing work to show this to people, he spent weeks in the desert, relying and feeding only on words from his Father.
Lent is a season of preparation for Easter where we can choose to do something similar. Some people give up food or something else significant, and find that this shapes their experiences with God and life. You can hear about this in our podcast chats.
Whether or not you fast, Lent is a great time to commit to spending time with Jesus, remembering his life and how it changes our world.
To help us with this, we’ve taken John’s gospel and made it listenable, as well as readable, in daily chunks. Each day, there is ten minutes which begins with a scene from this gospel, then continues the scene with music without words, and fades this into silence - or the sound of whatever is around you. This is to give you a chance to reflect and pray, link Jesus’ life with yours, and see how God can inspire you in this space. What could he show you? What do you want to ask? Could this ten minutes help you stay connected with God across your whole day?
Follow Jesus in John’s gospel here
We first shared this in 2023. The dates to follow in 2025 are all in the text, or you can check this quick guide:
Wednesday 5 March: day 1
Sunday 9 March: day 5
Sunday 16 March: day 12
Sunday 23 March: day 19
Sunday 30 March: day 26
Sunday 6 April: day 33
Palm Sunday 13 April: day 40
Easter Sunday 20 April: day 47
Further reflection - why did Jesus die?
In this podcast, Claire Lynch and Bern Leckie discuss how Jesus’ death can be seen in different ways through the Bible and the culture of Jesus’ time. The conversation ends with a look at Psalm 22 and what Jesus meant when he said “My God, my God, why have you foresaken me?” Reading or listening and praying along with Psalm 22 is suggested as a way to reflect on this.
Follow more of our podcasts here and listen using Spotify, Apple Podcasts or your favourite app.