Week 5, day 3: Depending on God daily (and asking nicely.)


“Give us today our daily bread.” (NIV)

“Give us today the food we need.” (Good News)

This week’s thoughts are from the Watts family - parents Jen and Rick with children Abbie and Nathan.

Jen says:

In other words, give us what we really need for today, not a weekly shop with luxury extras. We are to depend on God daily to meet our needs. He desires us to live in the kind of relationship where we depend on him and look to him to fulfil our needs.

I think it’s important to note that this section doesn’t come until after the first couple of lines. We are to dwell on God, his nature and get fully into his presence before we make our requests. If a friend contacted you out of the blue with a short message that read ‘I need a new car, now.’, you’d think that was extremely rude. If you wouldn’t speak to a friend that way, then we definitely shouldn’t approach God, the most powerful being in the universe, this way. We are also to be mindful about whether we truly need something before we ask for it.

Imagine a child running into the oval office to ask their dad (the president) something. If it’s urgent, they have the right to interrupt the president as their needs are hugely important to him. However, if they keep barging in asking for something that can wait or is really unimportant, then that’s not going to go down well. Of course, God is the ultimate father and infinitely more gracious and patient than any earthly parent, but he is also worthy of the highest level of respect.