Week 5, day 6: How does God deliver?


“but deliver us from the evil one.” (NIV)

“but keep us safe from the Evil One.” (Good News)

This week, we are praying along with the Watts family - parents Jen and Rick with children Abbie and Nathan.

Rick writes:

We discussed that when we see the word ‘delivery’ we instantly think of grocery or parcel deliveries. It’s true that particularly grocery deliveries have been like gold dust over the past 12 months, but God’s deliverance is so much more than that.

It’s easy to read this as ‘God, please keep us safe from all the bad people out there’, but what’s interesting is that this phrase comes straight after asking God to help us with temptation. So perhaps this is at least as much about delivering us from doing evil to others than protecting us from everyone else?

Switching back to the shopping analogy, this deliverance isn’t a one-off action, we need to continue to be delivered each day, asking God to help us make the right decisions when we face difficult situations.