Week 6, day 5: What's the alternative to temptation?


“And lead us not into temptation” (NIV)

“Do not bring us to hard testing” (Good News)

Greg Nixon writes:

I quite often pause at “and lead us...”, to ask that my Father would lead me into what is good, to lead me in His ways, in His wisdom; before then continuing “…not into temptation”. Writing this reminds me I should remember to broaden my focus: it’s not just about God leading me, but about Him leading all of us. Our strength and prayers can support others through their trials, and vice-versa.

God’s guidance comes in many ways and from many people, and is more available than I realise. I sometimes forget that all wisdom comes from God. This leads to self-reliance – thinking my own natural inclination to discuss, debate and question things will lead me the right way – when by taking the time to pause and listen I may see God leading in a different direction, and notice or hear things that challenge my preconceived view.

“Temptation” here is the Greek πειρασμόν (pei-ras-mon), which can translate as trial, testing, temptation, affliction or calamity. So if I’m going my own way – ignoring or unaware of God’s leading – then I shouldn’t be surprised if I find myself in one of these situations.

How much better to seek out and follow the way of our brother Jesus, whose yoke is easy and whose burden is light? As we are encouraged by Peter in 2 Peter 1v5-8, let us make every effort to supplement our faith with virtue, knowledge, self-control, steadfastness, godliness, brotherly affection and love, that we may be effective and fruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.