Life at Severn During Coronavirus

Whilst we are not meeting in our usual way during these unique circumstances, we appreciate that connection and community are more important than ever!

As a reminder, here is how Severn Vineyard Online looks throughout the week:

Sunday services: happen every Sunday, 10am on our FaceBook page.

Vineyard Kids & Youth: activities for children aged 6 months to primary school can be found on their own dedicated
Vineyard Kids and Vineyard Youth pages.

Community Groups: our Community Groups are now meeting online, and several new groups are being created in order to ensure that we remain connected during this time. Sign up via our Community Groups page.

Online Prayer Gathering: happens every Tuesday, 1pm - 1.30pm. More information here: Prayer At Severn.

For updates on the latest within Severn Vineyard, you can visit our Updates page.

Here for each other

During these unprecedented times of Coronavirus, one of our highest priorities is ensuring each one of us feels supported, connected and cared for.  At times you may be the one needing support and at other times you may be able to be the one offering support.  

That is why we are adapting all of our gatherings and communities to function on line and at the same time creating new and fun ways to connect.

One of the ways we are doing this is to create new online community groups in addition to our existing ones, so that every single person can find an ongoing place to be supported and support. 

If you are not already in a community group, please do visit and sign up for one.  The Community Group Leader will get in touch and will be delighted to welcome you!

Alongside the support you may receive from your community group, or the Pastoral Support Team, we also have a dedicated Coronavirus Response Team.  Please do contact and we would be very happy to help if:

  • you would like our team to be praying for your situation or that of a loved one.

  • you are in need of practical support like shopping, or a friendly phone call or anything else!

  • you are aware of an unmet need in your community that you would like us to support you with.

    Simply email Claire Lynch at anytime and she will respond between 9am-3.30pm Sunday-Friday.

Pop Up Food Bank - Volunteers Needed!

We would love to invite you to get involved with our Pop Up Food Bank, arranging and delivering emergency food parcels to vulnerable people within South Bristol. Please sign up through the form below.

It’s a great opportunity to help people and be a blessing to the community!