Posts in Owen Lynch
'Emotionally Healthy Church part 3: Limits and Responsibilities' by Owen Lynch - 14 March 2021

How liberating can it be to live within limits? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at what happens when we don't accept limits and become overburdened, disillusioned or tied into unhealthy relationships. For people who believe in Jesus, it can be hard to accept limits if faith says there should be none. But looking closer at Jesus, can the choices he made and the limits he accepted with his humanity help us make the most of our lives and limitations too?

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'Emotionally Healthy Church part 2: Family of Origin' by Owen Lynch - 7 March 2021

This talk contains adult themes

How much of what we do is set by patterns inherited from our parents? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at the influence of family on famous leaders in the Bible and people in our own time. We choose our own paths, but it can help us to grow awareness of how our choices are influenced by vows we made to ourselves when growing up. Can Jesus' offer of "born again" new life then break us free of inherited destructive patterns?

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'Emotionally Healthy Church part 1: Stop before you hit the bottom' by Owen Lynch - 21 February 2021

We can look nice and spiritually sorted on the surface, but what's going on underneath? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at what affects our emotional health which is often hidden from view until it bubbles up into occasional outbursts of impatience, anger or pain. Growing our awareness of what causes that pain can help us, not just to manage it but to outgrow it with God's help.

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'Did Paul really mean that? Ep 14 - Hoi polloi (Romans)' by Owen Lynch

Does God only accept people who play by the rules of Christianity? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at how Paul addressed a church arguing about what was acceptable to God, and how shocking it was that Jesus died for everyone, not just good people. "More than just getting us out of trouble, he got us into life!" wrote Paul about Jesus. For the life God wants us to have, and to accept everyone he wants to accept, do we need to rethink some of today’s religious laws?

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'Did Paul really mean that? Ep 13 - Peace on earth (Romans)' by Owen Lynch - 10 January 2021

Is there any chance we can all get along? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at the society Paul was writing into when he explained the gospel to Jewish and non-Jewish believers in Rome. It looked impossible to close massive divisions between people and many looked to secure their identity in nationalism. We can relate today. What Paul offered was not a new culture to defeat all others, but Jesus' way of reconciling people to God and each other through sacrifice and forgiveness. How can we join in with that now?

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'Did Paul really mean that? Ep 12 - Homosexuality (Romans)’ by Owen Lynch - November 8 2020

Does the Bible say it's wrong to be homosexual? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at what Paul wrote to the Roman church, the culture of the time, and why we might misunderstand his words today.

This talk is for a mature audience and contains discussion of sexual practices in Paul's time which were very different from life today.

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'Did Paul really mean that? Ep 11 - Being at peace during the pandemic (Philippians)' by Owen Lynch - October 18 2020

Is there a secret to being contented in any circumstances, even really stressful ones? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at the writings of Paul who claimed that he had discovered this. Paul was probably writing from prison when he shared what he had found, that his strength could come from God and gratitude could take the place of anxiety. Can we live this way without grumbling and feeling entitled to better than we have?

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'Did Paul really mean that? Episode 10 - Slavery (Philemon)' by Owen Lynch - September 27 2020

Did the Bible really say that slavery is OK? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at more of Paul’s letters which some interpreted to say that slavery was acceptable. But what did Paul really mean, and what was most important to him? His calls for everyone to work in partnership, and Paul’s own part in the freeing of one slave, reveal a bigger desire, powered by God, to change society and bring freedom to the world. What can we learn from Paul which can free us too, especially from racism and homophobia, and bring reconciliation to our relationships?

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'Building Back Better - Love That Lasts, Not More Religion' by Owen Lynch - September 20 2020

Now that our world has changed, we can't go back, but what do you want to be better going forward? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at how 2020 has changed our situation, making us feel like exiles prevented from meeting together. Looking at the story of the temple built in Jerusalem after years of ruin and exclusion, it seems God had bigger priorities than meetings. What exactly can we do now to build our lives and communities back better?

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'Did Paul really mean that? Episode 9 - Taken at Face Value (2 Corinthians)' by Owen Lynch - August 31 2020

Does anyone like being misunderstood? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at a misunderstood Christian leader who wrote letters which are easy for us to misunderstand if we take them out of context. By looking at first century Corinth and what was happening there, we can get a better idea of why there were arguments and difficulties then, and things which are hard to grasp now. Can God help us find the wisdom which lasts and can help us today?

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'Did Paul really mean that? Episode 7 - Restoring the Balance of Power' by Owen Lynch - August 9 2020

What do you think about the Bible's attitude to women? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at the apostle Paul and how his views on women and their role in church and life may have been misunderstood. Looking carefully at his letters and the culture they were written in, as well as what we know about how Paul lived in practice, might challenge us to change some of our assumptions and inspire us to work towards restoring the balance of power.

*** This talk contains adult references, and parents may prefer to watch without children present. ***

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'Did Paul really mean that? Episode 6 - Salvation Anxiety (Galatians)' by Owen Lynch - July 12 2020

What does it mean to have faith in God? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at the apostle Paul's letter to the Galatians and how he guided them to depend on faith instead of religious law. Christians enjoy the freedom this brings, but sometimes worry about losing their status with God if they doubt or don't know the right thing to believe. There is good news, though, if we discover what Paul really meant by "faith" and how we can depend on God's faithfulness.

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‘Did Paul really mean that? Episode 5 - Mind your own business (1 Thessalonians)’ by Owen Lynch - June 28 2020

What encouragement do you need to follow Jesus? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at the first letter we have from the apostle Saul (Paul) to a church which faced challenges as they worked out their faith in an often opposing culture. How could they say there is only one God when the government and society said there were lots? How should they live distinctively in a sex-driven culture? And how can we interpret and apply Saul’s teaching ourselves once we understand some differences between Thessalonica then and us now?

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‘Did Paul really mean that? Episode 4 - Imminent’ by Owen Lynch - May 24 2020

What would be different about your life if you knew how long you had left? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at the apostle Saul/Paul’s belief that the world would be changed massively by the emerging presence of God in his lifetime. This set his priorities and shaped his teaching. While we now have a view of God at work over a very long time, we still face choices about what to do with our limited time. So how can Paul’s urgency help us to see what could and should be different for us right now?

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‘Did Paul really mean that? Episode 3 - Liberation’ by Owen Lynch - May 10 2020

What is the big story that shapes how you see the world and your part in it? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at the story which shaped Saul’s beliefs in the time of Jesus. The Jewish people had lost their freedom to worship God and thrive in the way they had in the past, and they were waiting for a promised liberator to overcome what stood between them and their ideal life with God.

However, Jesus was misunderstood by many, including Saul at first, perhaps because they failed to recognise what was truly holding them back. Jesus showed a way, through love and self-sacrifice, to be free not just from oppressing empires but also from personal wounds, addictions and other drivers to selfishness. When we think about our big story in a society which prizes freedom, how much of this is driven by Jesus’ example, and how much by self-centred desires from which we still need to be liberated?

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'Did Paul really mean that? Episode 2 - Better Call Saul' by Owen Lynch - May 3 2020

How much can people change? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at the life journey of Saul, a devout Jew whose life started to be transformed by an encounter with the risen Jesus. When we look at Saul’s letters of teaching today, we might wonder why he wrote things we struggle to agree with, or missed out things we feel sure he should have taught. But when we understand his background, the change and progress in his life, we might read him differently. More importantly, we can have our own lives changed by Jesus too. How will that reshape the way we think and act?

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'Did Paul really mean that? Episode 1 - Encounter' by Owen Lynch - April 26 2020

Could your life be changed by an encounter with Jesus? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at what happened with Saul, a devout religious teacher whose view on life was changed by meeting the risen Jesus in the original “road to Damascus” moment. Saul became Paul, who is often misunderstood today, but can we understand more, and even live better, by encountering Jesus for ourselves?

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'Our Inheritance - Renewal' by Owen Lynch - March 1 2020

What is it like to be part of a movement of renewal? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at some of Vineyard Church's history and some amazing highlights of renewal in the church and communities. Severn Vineyard's purpose is to contribute to the spiritual, social and cultural renewal of Bristol, but what does this mean for us in practice? Can we trust God to renew us personally so that our community and city can be renewed through us?

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'Our Inheritance - Equipping, Community, Healing and Mission' by Owen Lynch - February 16 2020

Why is it so important for us to be part of a church together? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at more of Vineyard's core values and the vision of church as a body. Our common spiritual experience equips us for living well, unites humanity and celebrates our diversity, brings healing to our bodies and minds, and unites us in serving our neighbour. If shared experience like this is essential to our spirituality, how do we put this into practice at Severn Vineyard?

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Vision Talk 2020 by Owen Lynch - January 26 2020

What has God been doing with us at Severn Vineyard in the last year, and what are we looking forward to in 2020? In this talk, Owen Lynch outlines what has been happening with soul care, opening our front door wider and launching new community services. In the vision for 2020, soul care and spiritual health remain top priorities, along with empowering leadership and multiplication.

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