Week 6, day 2: Can we even imagine how good God's kingdom is?


“your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (NIV)

“may your Kingdom come; may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Good News)

Liz Nixon writes:

What does the Kingdom of God look like? That’s a question I’ve been thinking about recently, having received a couple of Dallas Willard books for my birthday. I think we need to know what it looks like in order to really mean “Your Kingdom come” when we pray. And I think it looks very much like each of the next days’ titles – the Kingdom of God coming is Him providing for my needs, the forgiveness of sins, receiving His guidance through the leading of His Holy Spirit, and His protection.

The kingdom is all these things, but there’s even more to it! The Kingdom is righteousness, joy, and peace; it is no more tears; it’s about reconciliation; it is death no longer having the last word; it is life to the full - an abundant, thriving life. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? Don’t you want that kind of Kingdom to come in your life? In our city? In our nation?

Dallas Willard says that the right vision of the kingdom isn’t just about being “theologically accurate”. Having a correct, Jesus centred view of the kingdom “will awaken tremendous desire”. And that’s because the kingdom is just soooooo good! It’s your most imaginative, creative, joy-filled hopes multiplied by several billion!

When I pray “Your Kingdom come” from now on, I will have an expanded, better understanding of what His Kingdom coming means – desire has been awoken in me and I want it to come now! Your Kingdom come Father!