Week 6, day 3: What happens when we depend on God daily?


“Give us today our daily bread.” (NIV)

“Give us today the food we need.” (Good News)

Greg Nixon says:

This reminds me of George Muller, who over his lifetime cared for many thousands of orphans in Bristol during the 1800s. There are many stories of God’s daily provision, and of George’s prayerful and daily reliance on God to provide for their daily bread – at times down to the minute. On one day when they had run out of food, the children waiting at breakfast, George prayed and thanked God for the breakfast He was confident God would provide; there was a knock at the door, and a baker was standing outside with a big loaf of bread – having been prompted by God the night before to bake more than usual and bring it to George!

Liz Nixon says:

When I pray this short and simple line, I’m reminded that we are encouraged to ask for what we need for today. Later, Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow, for today has its own cares. Both of these verses focus on today, the here and now rather than the future. And I think that’s a really good place to live!

It encourages me to make the most of the generosity God has shown me in my life by being thankful that I do have so much and by being generous to others. It’s important for me to remember that everything I have comes from God and that depending on Him for all things in life, whether it’s the essentials, the luxuries, the small things or the big things, is how I want to live each and every day. This line inspires both gratitude and dependence on God within my prayer life.