Posts tagged Easter Saturday
Easter Saturday - the day the world went quiet

Mal Calladine writes:

Over these final days of Lent, my plan each day is to bring one attention-getter for me from doing these daily Lent reflections, to tell the story of who and what got me thinking, and to suggest how it could apply for each of us on in these final days of remembering ourselves into the Easter story.

Today is the final day of Lent! But it's not yet a day of celebration. After a long journey, the darkest hour before the dawn is upon us. When all the effort and activity still seem to have ended in the confusion of seeming abandoned and alone. Where are you, God, when I need you?

What I want to embrace today about living into the Lord's Prayer came from the video interview with Joanna Moss. I was really struck how she talked about how praying each line is actually a declaration of trust:

  • I trust that you ARE my Father and are only good to me, in your perfect holiness,

  • I trust that your Kingdom rule IS coming in my life

  • I trust that you WILL show me everywhere that I need to receive and give your forgiveness

  • I trust that you ARE going to provide for me in all the ways I need

  • I trust that you WILL guide me and lead me where I need it

  • I trust that you WILL protect me from all evil

Maybe today, on this day when we really need to trust, we could try praying the Lord’s Prayer this way - as six declarations of trust.

And after doing that, you could ask the Holy Spirit to highlight to you which declaration of trust is the one you MOST need to live into today. And then wait in His presence to receive his deep, shalom peace as he inhabits His promise to you.

You may want to share what was highlighted with someone else and talk about what you could do to lean more into trusting in this area today.

On this Easter Saturday, may we rest in His peace and presence as we trust for His promise to be fulfilled in the morning!