Posts tagged chat
Week 6 chat

Is there a best time to pray? How does Jesus' prayer change the way we see what to ask for and expect from God, and what life with him is all about? Liz and Greg Nixon share their experience of the Lord’s Prayer through Lent.

Week 5 chat

What can parents do to bring children into discussion about faith and prayer? Can a structure like the Lord's Prayer help build life-strengthening habits?

As a church we are praying every day through Lent in the way Jesus taught his followers, reflecting daily on one short chunk of the Lord's Prayer. This week, the Watts family have been sharing their thoughts. Today, Mal Calladine chats with them about their experience.

Week 4 chat

Does faith change how we live? Do we feel part of the big family we are in if God is "Our Father"? And do we experience everything Jesus guided us into when we pray?

As a church we are praying every day through Lent in the way Jesus taught his followers, reflecting daily on one short chunk of the Lord's Prayer. This week, students from Severn Vineyard have been sharing their thoughts. Today, Mal Calladine chats with them about their experience.

Week 3 chat

What does God's kingdom mean, and is asking for "daily bread" really all about bread? This week, the Green family have been sharing their thoughts as we have prayed parts of the Lord’s Prayer together. Today, Mal Calladine chats with them about what they have learned around the dinner table.

Week 2 chat

This week, Joanna Moss and Andrew & Laura Kerr have been sharing their daily thoughts. Today, Mal Calladine chats with them about their experience. What does it mean to trust God to be an everyday provider?

Week 1 chat

This week, the Leckie family have been sharing their daily thoughts, and today, Mal Calladine chats with them about their experience. What does it mean to think of God as Father? What does his Kingdom look like? And how do we talk with young children about evil and the devil?

week 1Severn Vineyardchat