'Did Paul really mean that? Episode 1 - Encounter' by Owen Lynch - April 26 2020

Could your life be changed by an encounter with Jesus? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at what happened with Saul, a devout religious teacher whose view on life was changed by meeting the risen Jesus in the original “road to Damascus” moment. Saul became Paul, who is often misunderstood today, but can we understand more, and even live better, by encountering Jesus for ourselves?

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'You are salt and light' by Jimmy Rocks - March 8 2020

Can people know what God is like by looking at us? In this talk, Jimmy Rocks, who planted a Vineyard church with his family in Florianapolis, Brazil, looks at how God made us to give people a taste of his kingdom and to shine with his light in a world which is often dark. So how does God immerse us in his kingdom world and renew our minds and understanding of the world around us? This is more than ideas - it's practical and life-changing as God can use us to bring heaven to earth.

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'Our Inheritance - Renewal' by Owen Lynch - March 1 2020

What is it like to be part of a movement of renewal? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at some of Vineyard Church's history and some amazing highlights of renewal in the church and communities. Severn Vineyard's purpose is to contribute to the spiritual, social and cultural renewal of Bristol, but what does this mean for us in practice? Can we trust God to renew us personally so that our community and city can be renewed through us?

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'Choose Life' by Simon Guillebaud - February 23 2020

What is God asking you to choose? In this talk, Simon Guillebaud, International Director of Great Lakes Outreach in Burundi, looks at nine challenging but life-giving choices we might need to make to follow Jesus faithfully: clarity or trust, obedience or disobedience, cynicism or action, urgency or apathy, faith or fear, gratitude or grumpiness, comfort or the cross, rules or relationship, death or life.

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'Our Inheritance - Equipping, Community, Healing and Mission' by Owen Lynch - February 16 2020

Why is it so important for us to be part of a church together? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at more of Vineyard's core values and the vision of church as a body. Our common spiritual experience equips us for living well, unites humanity and celebrates our diversity, brings healing to our bodies and minds, and unites us in serving our neighbour. If shared experience like this is essential to our spirituality, how do we put this into practice at Severn Vineyard?

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'Our Inheritance - Compassion' by Rachel Goodchild - February 9 2020

How has God called and enabled us to be compassionate? In this talk, Rachel Goodchild looks at another of Vineyard's core values and how we express compassion through working with Christians Against Poverty as an example. There are also examples in the Bible of God calling people to correct injustice against the poor. What if God's call is also for us today? If we expect God to help us show compassion and tackle injustice practically, can we make a difference?

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'Our Inheritance - Worship' by Becky Evans - February 2 2020

What does it mean to worship God? In this talk, Becky Evans looks at Vineyard's worship values of intimacy, integrity, accessibility, passion and Kingdom expectation. In the story of Mary and Martha's time with Jesus, we find the difference between doing things and simply choosing to be with God. If we can choose to be with God in a more open, trusting and intimate way, could this change the closeness of our relationship with God?

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Vision Talk 2020 by Owen Lynch - January 26 2020

What has God been doing with us at Severn Vineyard in the last year, and what are we looking forward to in 2020? In this talk, Owen Lynch outlines what has been happening with soul care, opening our front door wider and launching new community services. In the vision for 2020, soul care and spiritual health remain top priorities, along with empowering leadership and multiplication.

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'Our Inheritance - Multiplication' by Owen Lynch - January 19 2020

What can God do with people who share their excitement about faith in Jesus? In this talk in the "Inheritance" series on Vineyard values, Owen Lynch looks at our local church's place in a worldwide movement of multiplication. This has happened because the difference Jesus has made to people's lives has been substantial, exciting and worth sharing. What could happen if we rediscovered the joy and excitement of having Jesus in our lives and chose to invite others, multiplying who we are and what we do?

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'Our Inheritance - Jesus' by Mal Calladine - January 12 2020

Who is Jesus to us, and what difference does that make? In this talk beginning a series on Vineyard Church's values, Mal Calladine looks at how the way we see and choose to follow Jesus changes everything. If we can truly call him "Lord" and let our lives be shaped by him, this will make an unmissable difference in ourselves and in the world. So how can we do this better?

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'Dreams' by Mal Calladine - December 15 2019

Can God speak into your life? In this talk, Mal Calladine looks at how dreams have been part of God's intervention which saved lives, around the time of Jesus' birth and in history before then. You might recognise some of the stories, like Joseph who had his amazing technicolour dreamcoat... Can we learn to recognise God's intervention in our dreams too?

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'Stars' by Owen Lynch - December 8 2019

Some things make a big impression at Christmas. In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at how Jesus' birth was accompanied by an unmissable sign - a new star in the sky. It showed that an ancient promise of a new ruler was going to be fulfilled. Some were hostile to this, while others were disturbed, indifferent or passionately engaged. Which of these are closest to our reactions to Jesus today?

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'Kingdom people' by Zeke Rink - November 24 2019

What does it take to be great? In this talk, Zeke Rink from Vineyard's youth festival DTI (Dreaming The Impossible) looks at what Jesus told people who wanted to know about greatness in God's kingdom. It involves changing our minds and attitudes, becoming like little children and welcoming children in his name. This was a surprise for people trying to deal with their crises of identity and purpose in a self-centred way. What would happen if, instead of seeking power, we embraced change with humility and committed to invest in young people?

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'Saying Yes to the Holy Spirit - All things are yours' by Owen Lynch - November 17 2019

How much do you have? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at how our belief about this affects our thoughts, attitudes, actions, habits, identity and, ultimately, our destiny. While we can focus on limitations in our circumstances, Jesus promises all of God's resources to believers. So do we believe this? If we do, how much do we ask God what we can do with his resources, and look to use them to benefit others outside of our families?

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'Saying Yes to the Holy Spirit - The presence of God' by Vicki Punch - November 10 2019

What does it mean to be in God's presence? In this talk, Vicki Punch looks at what happened when Elijah encountered the manifest presence of God, and compares this with her own life story and experience. There is something noticeable, amazing and life-changing which can happen in God's presence. Could God be calling you into his presence and asking, "What do you want me to do for you?"

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'Saying Yes to the Holy Spirit - how to gain revelation' by Owen Lynch - November 3 2019

How does God enable people to share revelations from him? In this talk, Owen Lynch looks at why we need revelation from God for his direction and perspective on life. God promises to connect us with his presence and words, and the Holy Spirit makes it possible for us to receive them. Practical tips in this talk can help you recognise when a revelation is from God and not just our own thinking. There are also some words shared with the church towards the end.

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'Saying Yes to the Holy Spirit - how to listen to the Spirit' by Mal Calladine - October 27 2019

Can we hear directly from God today? In this talk and practice session, Mal Calladine discusses the Bible's encouragement to Christians to seek to do this and pass on what they hear to others. This is for strengthening, encouraging and comforting them. People who do this check what they think God is saying against what they know about God from the Bible, and they find that this often brings the words of the Bible to life for people in their different situations today.

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