Hello! You’re in the right place to join us live as we gather at The Station, celebrating what God has been doing with us everywhere. It’s our special Christmas Eve service with worship, stories and Owen Lynch reflecting on how we might react to the appearance of a new Christmas star. We’ll be sharing the Lord’s Supper - you can join in with bread and juice.
Hello! You’re in the right place to join us live as we gather at The Station, celebrating what God has been doing with us everywhere. All ages are gathered for today’s Advent service, counting down to Christmas with stories, games and worship.
Hello! You’re in the right place to join us live as we gather at The Station, celebrating what God has been doing with us everywhere. We are bringing worship and sharing stories about what we’re doing for Christmas and what Soup Run is doing now. We’ll also hear from Bern Leckie as he continues our series “What the gospel means to me”.
Hello! You’re in the right place to join us live as we gather at The Station, celebrating what God has been doing with us everywhere. We are bringing worship, sharing stories and Remembrance Day prayers. We’ll also hear from David Jennings as he continues our series “What the gospel means to me”.
Hello! You’re in the right place to join us live as we gather at The Station, celebrating what God has been doing with us everywhere. Today’s “all in” service has music, stories and games as we look at how God can equip us to be lights in the darkness.
Hello! You’re in the right place to join us live as we gather at The Station, celebrating what God has been doing with us everywhere. We’re bringing worship, sharing stories and praying for each other and the world. Owen Lynch will continue his talk series on spiritual and emotional health, and we’ll share the Lord’s Supper together - get bread and juice ready if you’d like to join in.
Hello! You’re in the right place to join us live as we gather at The Station, celebrating what God has been doing with us everywhere. We’re bringing worship, sharing stories and praying for each other and the world. Owen Lynch will also continue his talk series on spiritual and emotional health.
Hello! You’re in the right place to join us live as we gather at The Station, celebrating Severn’s 14th birthday and what God has been doing with us everywhere. We’re bringing worship, and sharing what’s been happening with love and community, our spiritual and emotional health, and serving the city of Bristol.
Hello! You’re in the right place to join us live as we gather at The Station, celebrating what God is doing with us everywhere. We’re bringing worship, sharing stories, and hearing from Owen Lynch as his series of talks on spiritual and emotional health continues.
Here are highlights from our special service about how we can grow from small amounts of faith to having everything we need to share - and why we’re asking everyone to give what we can for our Foodbank. To find out more, including what’s needed and how to give, see our Foodbank page.
Hello! You’re in the right place to join us live as we gather at The Station, celebrating what God is doing with us everywhere. We’re bringing worship and stories to share, we’ve got a special dedication, and Owen Lynch continues our new series of talks on spiritual and emotional health.
Hello! You’re in the right place to join us live as we gather at The Station, celebrating what God is doing with us everywhere. We’re bringing worship and stories to share, and Owen Lynch is starting a new series of talks on spiritual and emotional health.
Hello! You’re in the right place to join us live at The Station to celebrate what God is doing with us everywhere. It’s our last gathering here before a summer break, and we’re bringing worship and stories to share, and Liz Nixon is continuing our series on “What the gospel means to me”. Join in our summer plans at severnvineyard.org/summer
Hello! You’re in the right place to join us live at The Station to celebrate what God is doing with us everywhere. We’re bringing worship and stories to share, and Jack Saunders is continuing our series on “What the gospel means to me”.
Hello! You’re in the right place to join us live at The Station to celebrate what God is doing with us everywhere. We’re bringing worship and stories to share, and Joanna Moss is continuing our new series on “What the gospel means to me”.
Hello, and happy Father’s Day! You’re in the right place to join us live at The Station to celebrate what God is doing with us everywhere. We’re bringing worship and stories to share, and Claire Lynch will be talking about the extent of God’s love for us.
Hello! You’re in the right place to join us live at The Station for our special Vision Sunday celebration of what God has done with us in 2022 and what we’re looking forward to in 2023. We’ll have worship, lots of stories to share, and a look ahead to our future.
Welcome to our celebration of the Christmas story in words and songs. Severn, Field and Lighthouse Vineyard churches in Bristol are together for this, and we’re delighted you could join us too. We hope you enjoy singing along! Find out more about what Christmas means to us at severnvineyard.org/christmas