Genesis 1 - The Beginning - 24 May 2020

Here are some ideas that you could do with your children at home, that link the children’s everyday experiences to the Bible. As you play or create, you can talk about what happened when God created the world.


What a creative God we have!


Let’s Pretend

Green grocers – set up your own greengrocer shop, use pretend cash (or real if parents have any) to pay for the food, play fruit & veg, shopping baskets, shopping bags, paper bags to put the fruit and veg in, you could even weigh your fruit and veg out first if you have some weighing scales at home.

Book corner

Couple of beanbags in the corner – cosy up and read a story together, maybe you have one about light/dark, animals, things that go in the sea or the sky or even about different continents. Enjoy looking at how creative our God is.


Build a duplo or lego world or use junk modelling to make some of the parts of creation... an animal, a tree, a flower etc. Legoland discovery centre Manchester on facebook have amazing videos explaining how to make different animals out of lego- it’s called ‘build at home’ and they release new videos every Tuesday and Thursday at 3pm. Check it out!


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Playdough- Make a playdough creation station. Provide children with buttons, beads, straws, lollisticks, googly eyes, dry food eg pasta, and then let your imagination go. Create animals, stars, sunshine, fish, birds, trees, anything you like 😊

Music time

Listen to this song based on the Bible verse from 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation.” We are God’s creation too!

Game - Charades

Can you act out and pretend to be an animal from God’s creation - and can your family guess what you are?

Game - Blindfold game

Can you feel different fruit or veg in a bag and guess what they are?


Create your own paper plate creation story.

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Natural animal craft

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Find your Bible at home and read the story of creation.

You could read this story from the Beginners Bible page 7-13 (or in your Bible Genesis 1) sharing the book together.

The Beginning

In the beginning, the world was empty. Darkness was everywhere. But God had a plan.

God separated the light from the darkness. “Let there be light!” he said. And the light turned on. He called the light ‘day’. And he called the darkness “night”. This was the end of the very first day.

Then God said, “I will divide the waters.” He separated the waters in the clouds above from the waters in the ocean below. He called the space between them “sky”. This was the end of the second day.

Next, God rolled back the waters and some dry ground appeared. He made plants of many shapes and colours. He made mountains, hills and valleys. This was the end of the third day.

God put a shining sun in the sky for the daytime. He put a glowing moon and twinkling stars in the sky for night-time. This was the end of the fourth day.

On the fifth day, God made swishy fish and squiggly creatures to live in the ocean. Then God made birds to fly across the sky.

On the sixth day, God made animals to creep, crawl, hop and gallop. Then from the dust, God made the most wonderful creature of all- a person. God named him Adam. On the seventh day, God rested.


Up to 3 years old (Fruitshoots)

Thank you God that you made the world and everything in it. Thank you that you made the twinkling stars, the warm sunshine and the glowing moon. Thank you that you made so many different colours. Thank God today for your favourite animal and anything else that you’d like to thank God for!

From 3 years to Reception age (Acorns)

Thank you God that you made the world and everything in it. Thank you God that you created the sun, moon, stars, sea and sky. Thank you that you are such a creative God. What is your favourite thing that God has created? Maybe it’s an animal, maybe it’s the sand, maybe it’s the mountains, whatever it is, thank God for it today.

School years 1-6 (Hive)

A question: What’s the most creative thing that you have made? How long did it take you? How did you feel after you had created it?

It tells us in the Bible, in Genesis 1, that He made us in His image and that when He had done this, it wasn’t just ‘good’, it was ‘very good’. He is so incredibly proud of you and loves you so much. That’s the truth.

Pray together… Thank you, Father, that you are such a creative God. We just have to look at all you created on this earth to see how creative you are, from the amount of different animals there are to space to the fact our bodies can heal themselves when they are hurt. Unbelievable and incredible! We pray this week, that every day you will show us how creative you are. Help us to notice the world in new ways and to be thankful for it. And above all help us to know how precious we are to you.


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A Changed Man

The Lame Man

The Holy Spirit Comes

Jesus Returns

Easter Day

The True King (Palm Sunday)

The Lord’s Supper

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Severn Vineyard