Judges 6-7 - Gideon - 23 August 2020

Here are some ideas that you could do with your children at home, that link the children’s everyday experiences to the Bible. As you play or create, you can talk about what happened in the story of Gideon.

You could watch this video of the story:


God is always with us.


Let’s Pretend

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Set up a dark tent- if you don’t have a tent, why not make a dark space, under a table with some sheets or blankets or use the sofa cushions to make a dark space. Then fill with different lights and torches. If you have a paper bag, you could even put a light inside like Gideon and then rip open the bag to reveal the light inside. Imagine what it would have looked like to Gideon and his army.

The amazing water glass trick

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Try this amazing water trick that reminds us how we can trust in God as God is always with us. Click on this link which will explain more…

Game - Hot and cold

Choose an item to hide in the house. One person is the “hider”, one person is the “seeker” and one person is the “timer”. The "seeker" leaves the room while the "hider" hides the chosen item somewhere in the room. Everyone else in the room knows where the item is but cannot tell the "seeker" or give any hints.

The "seeker" returns to the room and looks for the item. The "hider" may give hints by saying "Cold" when the "seeker" is far from the object, "Warm" when getting closer, and "Hot" when very near. The "timer" times how long it takes the "seeker" to find the object. Take turns until everyone has had a chance to be the "seeker". The person who finds the object in the shortest amount of time wins.

Talk about how we can’t hide from God and He will never hide from us, how he is always with us.

Source and more info


You could make your own lantern- to help you remember that God is always with us!

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God is always with us!

Up to 3 years old (Fruitshoots)

Thank you that you are always with us! That you love to spend time with us and that when we talk to you, you love to listen to us. What shall we tell God about today?

From 3 years to Reception age (Acorns)

Thank you that you are always with us! Thank you that like Gideon, we can trust you to help us, look after us and show us good things, even when we don’t have very much. Thank you that you love to spend time with us and that when we talk to you, you love to listen to us. What shall we tell God about today?

School years 1-6 (Hive)

A question: Is there a time where you thought you had to have everything? God told Gideon that he had too many men to fight the Medianites and so Gideon sent some away. Even though there were more Medianite soldiers than his soldiers, God helped them and it was in God’s strength not Gideon’s strength that the Israelites won. Sometimes we think we need to have it all, but God tells us that we just need faith as small as a mustard seed and He will do the rest. What do you need to trust God with today?




Joshua 5 - Joshua and the walls of Jericho

Joshua 3 and 4 - Joshua crosses the River Jordan

Joshua 2 - Rahab


Exodus 14-24 - Moses

Exodus 4-14 - Moses

Exodus 1-2 - Baby Moses


Genesis 37-43 - Joseph

Genesis 27-29 - Esau and Jacob

Genesis 12-17 - Abraham

Genesis 11 - Tower of Babel

Genesis 6-9 - Noah’s Ark

Genesis 2 and 3 - Adam and Eve

Genesis 1 - The Beginning


Earthquake in Prison

A Changed Man

The Lame Man

The Holy Spirit Comes


Jesus Returns

Easter Day

The True King (Palm Sunday)

The Lord’s Supper

Washing The Disciples’ Feet

Severn Vineyard