How do we grow in God’s love, and what does it mean to remain? David Jennings looks at Jesus’ teaching that his followers are branches in him, a vine, made for fruitfulness under God’s gardening care. This fruit isn’t work we do, it’s the character of love, joy and peace that grows as we accept Jesus’ love and become defined by him and his character. Is it challenging to allow this to happen, sometimes needing to give up what we’d been aiming for ourselves? If so, can we find assurance in Jesus’ promise that, by remaining in him, we will be incredibly fruitful?
Read MoreDo we view God as distant, or close and loving? David Jennings shares his experience of encountering God for himself and in the lives of people he has worked with. Descriptions in the Bible about the movement and power of the Holy Spirit can tell us what believers can expect from God and why. Do we need to do anything special to be loved by God? How do we get to meet with God, feel and know what his love for us is like?
Read MoreWhat might be stopping us from asking for everything God wants to give us? David Jennings looks at his experiences of scary situations, worries about losing control, and the stories he had been told about missionaries suffering. There is likely to be a cost when we trade what we wanted for what God wants, but could we find that it’s better not to settle, or let our busyness or current plans get in the way of the love-filled life God wants to give us?
Read MoreWhat can we expect from life with God? David Jennings shares his experience of being in the middle of life-changing things like people being freed from addiction, and finding that this can still be messy and difficult. Jesus promised the reality of God’s kingdom would start to be visible in our lifetimes, so how do we deal with the tension of this being both “now” and “not yet”?
Read MoreHow can we hope to see Christ working when we make ourselves available to serve the vulnerable? Owen Lynch interviews David Jennings about his experience of working for three years with “Chasing The Dragon” author Jackie Pullinger’s ministry in Hong Kong.
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