Posts tagged John
‘Remain in my love’ by David Jennings, 9 February 2025

How do we grow in God’s love, and what does it mean to remain? David Jennings looks at Jesus’ teaching that his followers are branches in him, a vine, made for fruitfulness under God’s gardening care. This fruit isn’t work we do, it’s the character of love, joy and peace that grows as we accept Jesus’ love and become defined by him and his character. Is it challenging to allow this to happen, sometimes needing to give up what we’d been aiming for ourselves? If so, can we find assurance in Jesus’ promise that, by remaining in him, we will be incredibly fruitful?

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‘Who do you say I am?’ by Kyle Henderson-Begg - 12 March 2023

Who do we think Jesus is, and what difference does this make in our lives? Kyle Henderson-Begg looks at how Jesus’ followers dealt with this question. One of these, famous for doubting, changed their view in a close encounter with the risen Jesus, and their faith propelled them to share what they had found widely. What kind of encounter or experience with Jesus might we need to see him as he is, and who would we tell people that Jesus is?

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